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Vince Gironda Tricep Exercises

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Triceps Outer Head Exercises

Q. How do I develop the outer or lateral head of my triceps? I do pushdowns, extensions and kickbacks, but just cannot get the outer head to stand out in bold relief the way the champions do. Which tricep exercises should I be doing?

A. First you've to have a low level of body-fat percentage in order to have some triceps separation. If you're a fat, smooth bucket of lard you outer triceps will never stand out in bold relief, as you put it.

The best exercise for the outer head of the triceps is the one-arm tricep extension with a curl grip. Start with a medium-heavy dumbbell overhead at arm's length. Press your upper arm into the side of your head. Then reach around with your free hand and grasp your elbow to support it. Make sure you keep the elbow of the working arm pointing up at all times. Don't allow it to point out to the side. Lower the bell slowly and carefully to the base of the neck, feeling your triceps stretch as you do. Then using triceps strength only, lift the straight overhead until your arm is straight. Hold it in the fully contracted position for a count of two, while tensing and squeezing your triceps hard. Remember, though, to use a curl grip, with the palm facing back, not out to the side as is normally done or you won't hit the outside head.

Another excellent our triceps head exercises, and a favorite of Mohamed Makkawy, it the triceps rope pull while kneeling. This exercise requires a pulley six feet off the ground and 10 feet long. You'll also need a cradle bench to support the elbows. Kneel in front of the bench, resting your elbows on the edge of the bench. Reach back behind your head and grasp the knots of the rope attached to the 10-foot cable. With the elbow and your head resting on the bench pull the rope to arms, length and lock out, twisting your hands as you do. It is the twisting action of turning the hands out that hits the outer triceps, so don't neglect it.

When letter the rope return to the starting position be sure to go all the way back to give the triceps a good stretch. Try sets of 10 reps, until you feel your outer head burning and fully pumped.

This should make those outer triceps pop out.

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