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Mohamed Makkawy Workout

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Mohamed Makkawy was born in Panta, Egypt on August 29, 1943. He was born with exceptional mesomorph genetics but this little man standing at 5"4' was not just a good athlete because he had brains too, and worked as a translator in French, Arabic and English.

As a competitor he won the first time he stood onstage winning the Mr. Egypt title in 1969. But Mohamed was just getting started because he went on to win the Mr. Mediterranean title in 1972, 1974 and 1976. He also won the IFBB Mr. Universe competition in 1976.

He then finally earned his pro-card when he placed second at the 1977 Mr. Universe, Mohamed then decided to relocate to Toronto, Canada where he started competing in the IFBB pro contests. But it was tough for him as he placed seventh at the Pro World competition in 1978.

Mohamed Makkawy was not the type to give up and went on to try another dozen times, and placed 7th at the 1982 Mr. Olympia, he then won the Grand Prix held in Stockholm, Sweden, and won the same competition a year later when it was held in Antwerp.

Finally, at the 1983 World Pro Championships Mohamed won his third IFBB show beating the huge Lee Haney into third place doing his pro debut. In total Mohamed Makkawy placed ahead of Lee Haney in 5 of their 8 encounters in 1983. At the 1984 and the 1985 Mr. Olympias, Haney defeated Mohamed.

Mohamed Makkawy Workout

Mohamed Makkawy Training Routine

Makkawy got in the best shape of his life when he trained at Vince's Gym in Studio City, California.

Vince Gironda was quoted saying the following about him:

"Mohamed Makkawy was an absolute joy to train. He would listen intently to all I had to suggest."

Below is a copy of the type of training that Mohamed would do on a daily basis. You can see for yourself that there is lots of volume, but it's important to note that he used this routine to build extra muscle while training for the Mr. Olympia. Mohamed explains that this routine uses 8 reps and not the 12 rep training that he had used to develop the quality muscle he has.

Mohamed Makkawy's Olympia Routine:

1. Flat bench-press (to neck): 5 X 8 reps
2. Incline 20° Bench-press (to neck): 5 X 8 reps
3. Incline 40° Bench-press: 5 X 8 reps
4. Bent-arm pull-overs: 5 X 8 reps
5. "Gironda" dips (wide grip): 5 X 8 reps
6. Straight-arm pull-overs: 5 X 10 reps

1. High bench rowing: 5 X 8 reps
2. Pull-ups to the waist: 5 X 8 reps
3. Wide-grip chins (behind neck): 5 X 8 reps
4. Wide-grip pulldowns (to chest): 5 X 8 reps

1. Hack squat: 5 X 8 reps
2. Seated pulley (leg squeeze): 5 X 10 reps
3. Leg curls: 5 X 10 reps
4. Leg extensions: 5 X 8 reps
5. Roman chair: 5 X 10 reps
6. Flat leg extensions: 5 X 8 reps
7. Seated calf raises: 5 X 15 reps
8. Standing calf raises: 5 X 15 reps

1. Lying leg raises: 5 X 15 – 25 reps
2. Hanging leg raises: 5 X 15 – 25 reps
3. Hanging knee–ins: 5 X 15 – 25 reps
4. Bent knee sit-ups: 5 X 15 – 25 reps
5. Twisting sit-ups: 5 X 15 – 25 reps
6. Crossed ankle crunches: 5 X 15 – 25 reps

1. Wide grip rows: 5 X 8 reps
2. 45° lateral raises: 5 X 8 reps
3. Kneeling cable raises: 5 X 8 reps
4. Bent-over cable raises: 5 X 8 reps
5. D/B Lateral raises: 5 X 8 reps
6. Cable lateral raises: 5 X 8 reps

1. Incline D/B curls: 5 X 8 reps
2. EZ Bar curls: 5 X 8 reps
3. Cable (short range) seated curls: 5 X 10 reps

1. Parallel bar dips: 5 X 8 reps
2. Bent-over triceps kickback: 5 X 8 reps
3. Triceps rope pulls: 5 X 8 reps

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