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Vince Gironda Training Methods

Secrets of Vince Gironda eBook
Vince Gironda
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Vince Gironda used himself and his students as "guinea pigs" for almost 50 years to discover and refine his training methods.

One of the best methods he came up with to getting through "sticking points" is called Train 21 Rest 7 method. You see he knew that the body can only be pushed so long before overtaxing the muscles and nervous system, which of course results in what is know as sticking points, staleness, over training, etc.

He found that after 3 weeks of intense training, most bodybuilders will become bored with the training and go stale on progress. So what he suggested is that after every 3 weeks, you should take 1 week off. This serves to soften up the muscles, so as to make faster gains on the next 3 week cycle, and also to renew your energy and enthusiasm for training.

So why not try it train as hard as you want 3 times a week or more, even every day, but then after 21 days take a lay-off of 7 days to recuperate and let your muscles grow – and grow they will! If you follow this advice you will find your whole bursting with energy and you will hit the gym with more intensity than ever before. And you will make amazing progress in both muscle size and strength.

Too many don't bother to follow this advice. Why? Fear! They fear they will shrink or lose strength. Boo Hoo! The truth is most people get bigger and strong during they lay-off rather then losing anything. But even if you did lose a little a little, you will gain it all back plus muscle more in your next 21 day cycle. It's like taking 1 step back to take 2 or 3 steps forward. Isn't that better then being stuck at the same size and strength for years?

So take some advice from the "Iron Guru" use one of Vince Gironda's best training methods. I can still hear him yelling "Train 21 Days Then Rest 7!"

Secrets of Vince Gironda eBook
Vince Gironda
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